Productivity Hacks for Merchandisers


Merchandising is a very demanding job. You need to do multiple tasks simultaneously which harms your efficiency and productivity. Whatever people claim, multitasking is not good for your efficiency. That’s why there’s a lot of merchandisers who work late nights. It seems you are overwhelmed with your work. But the real reason behind this is not the amount of work you do but the way you do. In this article, I will try to show you some way to increase your efficiency so you can spend more times with your family and friends.

Who eats my time up?

you are busy doesn’t mean you’re doing the job correctly. Below are the causes of losing times.

  • Opening multiple tabs in the browser.
  • Chatting online while working.
  • Having multiple tea/smoking breaks.
  • Extended lunchtime due to never-ending conversations
  • Real-life chit-chat with colleagues

You are familiar with the above situations which affect your productivity negatively. But in the evening, we forget all of these and wonder how whole day vanished and still, there are tons of emails in the inbox waiting for a response.  Until you’re aware of the time killers, you’ll never get home on time.

I’m going to help you with some clues about how you can improve the situation and do so much more in less time. The secret is getting skilled at “focusing”. You’ll have to train yourself how to focus on one single thing, without distraction, for a specific period of time. If you want to be good at anything, you’ll need to practice.

But learning to Focus is difficult. You’ll soon discover that learning to focus isn’t easy. At first, you’ll not be very good at it and very easily be distracted. Learning to focus needs a lot of practice. So, you’ll have to start small.

To start focusing, follow below steps.

Say “Good Bye” to Distraction

As I said before Multitasking doesn’t help you to work efficiently. You feel you are doing lots of the important thing, but at the end not of them will be perfect. So, close the chat window. If you’re writing emails, write emails. Nothing less, nothing more. Put your phone in silence mode. Close the chat window. Disable other notifications. If you like, put Headphones on, people will disturb less.

Pomodoro Clock

Pomodoro Clock

But how do you keep track and be productive? You can find a lot of techniques. But the best is the “Pomodoro Technique”. You can search on Google to know more. In the app stores, there are hundreds if not thousands Pomodoro app. Download any of you them you like.

25 Minutes of Blocked Time

You’ll have to work for 25 minutes straight. Without any break, any distraction. That’s the plain rule. This 25minutes called a Pomodoro. You may need multiple Pomodoro to complete one task. Or, you can do multiple small tasks in one Pomodoro. But the main theme is you’ll have to stick to one Pomodoro at a time. After a few weeks when you feel comfortable, you may increase the duration of one Pomodoro. If you get distracted, you’ll have to start from the beginning. That’s the rule.

5 Minutes Break

After completing one Pomodoro, you’ll have to take one small 5 minutes break. In this break try to have small chats, drink water or whatever you feel relaxing. After 5 minutes start a new Pomodoro.

You may wonder how this can help you do more. The point is when you switch between more than one tasks, you lose time and focus in between. Pomodoro technique helps you to remove that. Moreover, when you do a single task at a time, your efficiency increase. It gives you more quality and quantity. After a few weeks of practice, you’ll notice the difference in your productivity.



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